Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eggplant Asparagus Spaghetti

Who says tomatoes have to be the main base for pasta sauce?  I went out on a limb and gave eggplant the lead role for her 15 minutes of fame tonight.  I'm referring to cooking time when I say 15 minutes because after I daintily ate (read: scarfed down) my Sunday concoction, I can tell you that this one is here to stay.
The bold flavor and meatiness of the eggplant could stand on its own, but adding in the asparagus adds all kinds of crunchy, bitter wonder.  This is comfort food with a twist. 
Spiced just right, this just may be your new go-to.  

Also..did you know that eggplant is technically classified as a berry??  Me neither.

What you'll need: 
spices: salt, pepper, chili powder
fresh parmesan
tomato sauce or paste

To start:
  • Peel eggplant, cut into thick chunks and lightly salt (this is to make the eggplant "sweat")
  • Heat oil in large saucepan; add garlic and fresh basil
  • Add eggplant and two chopped tomatoes
  • Boil water for pasta!
  • With a potato smasher, reduce the eggplant/tomatoe mix to a thick sauce, adding water until you get to your desired consistency
  • Add your spices and a about 1/2 cup of tomato sauce
  • In a separate pan, heat a little oil and sautee asparagus pieces with some of your eggplant sauce
  • Once the pasta is ready, add directly to the asparagus and add more sauce
  • Toss pasta directly in the pan and serve immediately with fresh parmesan and ground pepper
Read all about what eggplant has to offer, including nicotine! here.

1 comment:

  1. i can officially verify this dish's deliciousness; i was fortunate to have some for lunch today and it was divine!
